If you are planning on shipping unitised goods, you should think about using a wooden skid. This portable platform is similar to the standard pallet. However, its structure is simpler and inexpensive for most material handling and transportation applications. Typically, the skid structure consists of strong bearers and flat top boards for the placement of goods. Therefore, your loads will have a stable base for reliable support during haulage. However, you should note that the reliability of the skid will be affected by your shipment preparation. Here are some simple tips to help you ensure that the timber skid and your goods are secure.
Choose a Suitable Skid
You should choose your timber skid with care to ensure the safety of your goods during transportation. You must ensure that your skid can support the specific shipment. In general, these structures have load ratings; check the specifications and compare with your cargo. It is also advisable to opt for skids with closely spaced boards because they are more stable. Evaluate the size of the timber unit and make sure that your load will not be overhanding. Additionally, the skid should be free of problems such as broken boards and protruding fasteners
Place Your Cargo
You should place your goods on the timber skid strategically. You should ensure that your load does not go past the edges of the timber structure. Otherwise, your load will be unstable and your goods might sustain damage. When stacking cartons or boxes, you should align the units in columns for optimal strength. You should not use interlocking patterns because they are unlikely to remain stable under transportation stress. You should also avoid creating a pyramid with your shipments. You should keep the top section flat to minimise vulnerability to the upper loads.
Secure the Load
You should secure the goods after stacking on your timber skid. If the load is not properly secured, your shipment will be vulnerable to movements. As a result, some items might get lost during transit, or at the very least, they will sustain damage. You should strapping and banding techniques to secure the shipment to the timber structure. You should also apply a wrapping film such as a stretch wrap for the goods. This type of material will unitise the entire load, minimising its vulnerability. Additionally, there will be little risk of your goods disappearing during transit.
Finally, you should remember to label your shipments correctly and clearly before sending the cargo to avoid unexpected complications.